Friday, September 26, 2014

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Must be calm ! Xiao Ming constantly admonished himself, as the brain can vary slowly began to play a role, their nervousness slowly calm down, Xiao Ming then suddenly found all throughout the surrounding quiet down, all the noise will disappear without a trace, the obstacle in front of their disappeared without a trace, he could clearly see the location of Manila is located, which is a very mysterious feeling. Another gunshot, Siu Ming head side of the ridge was beaten dusty, Siu Ming sprinkled vocal one, also Siu Ming kind of magical realm interrupted, all eyes resumed as usual, not far from the sirens, as well as the whirring sound of the breeze scratched, Xiao Ming clenched hands of the 85 spy, now know the location of Manila, but there is a problem there, in their hands 85 sniper rifle is equipped with four times optical telescopes, and the effective range of 400 meters and a maximum range of only 800 meters, according to the Manila location point of view, at least 550 meters away from their own, making it difficult to hit the other side, Xiao Ming is not God, it is impossible to let the bullets fly further, although at the time of the self-defense army soldiers toms outlet useful 79 sniper rifle shot away record in the 1300 meters, but this is only part one example, Siu Ming Ming Moreover, the other in the dark.

Bang,toms shoes sale,, crushed stone was beaten, Xiaoming Li carved out of the gully, tried my best forward. After opening in Manila after the gun was found fooled, it is actually a stone, Xiao Ming through thick smoke, breath ED pediment of nearly 50 meters, Nila soon found Xiao Ming figure. Xiao Ming suddenly an emergency stop, followed ran sideways toward the next, the gun did not hit ! And the first shot is the same, we should hit when seeing bullet Siu Ming, Xiao Ming once again changed the route, powerful bullets hit a pit in the ground.

Xiao Ming lying on the sand, wiped the sweat on his face, a deep breath and began to adjust to proceed in 85 -style sniper, Xiao Ming knew he was there a chance that HAO Fei cheap toms to attract Manila 's attention that he took the opportunity to shoot. At this point HAO Fei and two SWAT team members hiding behind a police car, pushing the police car slowly ground highway, Nila looked Xiao Ming hiding the sand and looked at the slow-moving police car on the road, hesitated for a moment, Manila police shooting the final choice, kill the cops.

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