Sunday, May 4, 2014 ray ban wayfarer xxzq

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We practice on the square. Zhou Cong finished, the car, then drove the car to a nearby square. Now, though still a little more than nine in the morning, but there are still many students on the square playing various balls...... especially basketball courts, many MM are kept shouting for his team. Hua Feng ray ban wayfarer stood beside, looking at those female students to stand up stop dithering, cheap nike air max 90 could not swallow a mouthful of saliva. Later here to see the beauty is also good ! Zhu Renyi sigh said. Chinese brother, on the train.

Chinese brother, nike air max know what this means? nike air max nike air max Stalls that first told about the car. P, parking stalls, the equivalent manual transmission in the handbrake, put the gear to push this car does not move. R, reverse gear. N represents the neutral neutral, and a manual transmission meaning when used for short-term parking. D said forward gears, the transmission will automatically lower the gear switch gear in the 1 to 5 according to the speed and throttle conditions. 3 is also a forward gear, the gear transmission automatically switches next 1 to 3 files, do not ascend to 4,5 two tranches.


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