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Like a huge mountain of amethyst honeycomb hole, inside the structure is very complex, like a most sophisticated cities, the outermost amethyst bee guard their residence, near countless channels are packed fist-sized hole these holes are amethyst bee guard 's residence, rest, amethyst guard bees live here, in the event of an enemy, Oakley sunglasses uk to go out from the holes, and through these channels, flew out of the enemy suicide bombings, with their sacrifices to protect the hive amethyst cave.

When the larvae grow, amethyst honey entirely on providing nutrition, but once mature, will reduce amethyst honey, instead relying on its Oakley online nutrition. Amethyst bee larvae and is next in numerous amethyst bee bees, worker bees and heavy task, is also the largest number, they need to go outside the worker bees collect raw materials, production amethyst honey bee larvae need according to Gu Zijing even in amethyst guard bee losses when needed when necessary turn into amethyst bee guard, attack the enemy, we can say, the worker bees are the most difficult, but also the ability of the most extensive.

Under normal circumstances,sunglasses sale, the queen bee hive living in deep amethyst cave of amethyst queen will eat some honey to guarantee its own energy, however, amethyst bee losses when the queen needs to lay eggs, hatched larvae when the queen will eat more powerful effect amethyst King Bee honey, to ensure cheap ray bans its own energy, and does not consume too much energy and death. In another case, when the queen to death, and will eat a lot of amethyst King Bee honey, and then use the rest of vitality outputcontains all the vitality of the queen bee eggs, While the eggs will hatch in a short time then taking amethyst queen honey, in the shortest possible time to become the new queen.


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