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The face of a young, inexperienced rookie team, I can not think of air max 90 reason will lose. If you want me to predict the score of this, my first thought was 3:0, no doubt, as long as a person has a normal mind will make that choice. See the bookmakers odds out yet? 14:9, I think this is sufficient to explain a lot of the problem. You asked me to lose Leeds ? Well, nike air max take a look. First nike air max lack of experience, the average age of nike air max the only way a team you can hardly expect him to play a stable, especially when the contest, many people will play a disorder, which in football is a lot of instances, I do not cited.

And nike air max deep bench is not enough, most of the main players do not get a good rest. Third, nike air max coach very young, no top league coaching experience, and marshal Boas is Chelsea's Portuguese super- experienced, Premier League, Serie A top league multiple edification. The more you want to win football games tend to be, the easier to lose, if Leeds coach Paul ? Hall mental fashion clothes online balance, he is bound to Chelsea in the tactical opportunity to exploit. Fourth, Chelsea have home advantage, I say, everyone will agree with my point of view.


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