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Because mammoths and horses in Latin America can not find enough food from the forest. burberry on sale Could not have survived. Patina Ray says: Mustang and mammoths extinct long ago. Significant increase in the number of bison and elk. The only reasonable explanation is that the latter cheap ugg boots uk has a large amount of food sources. Ray also said patina. The fossil record makes people a great plague to cause the extinction of mammoths saying suspicious. Scientists had thought that the deadly disease will lead to the extinction of all species. But it does not reflect on the fossil record.

And bison, elk and moose were not affected. Therefore, it can be inferred that assumption does not hold. Although there is no sufficient evidence to prove that the real reason for the extinction of the monster, but a lot of evidence that the Pleistocene extinction of large fauna is more likely reason is the common result of human factors and climatic factors, and not simply go to a party. However, to prove it, burberry store also need to know every continent population growth since when large enough to affect the point of extinction of fauna, need to determine how climate change will affect the parameters of the number of animals to be hunted range.

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