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Saber used by infantry and sailors knife quite alike. Black powder appeared shortly cannon also emerged. In fact, the structure is not complicated ugg boots uk. A thick hollow tubes, blocking one, that is, ugg sale all. Big iron ball shells filled from empty a barrel, pushing in the end. Between the shells and the bottom is gunpowder. The end of a firing cannon holes, you can use a match to ignite the gunpowder. Cannon power is enormous. Cannon can fire ball bombs, shells and grape bombs chains. Spherical shells are a big iron ball, used aboard holes very effective ; grape is a lot of small shells, used tear enemy ships sail, or on the deck and causing large -scale destruction ; For iron chain bomb, it is connected with long chains two big iron ball, interrupting the enemy ship 's mast very handy.

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Exile : refers to those who will be subject to punishment alone lost on a desert island. Exile - change -OneManIsland: no nearby islands in the case of those who are placed in punishment drifting alone on a sampan,ugg sale, died of sunstroke or until the shark 's mouth. Cat nine tail: this strange name refers to an asphalt coated with nine shares rope made ​​of rope whip. Some cruel captain specially fitted in the tip of the whip on the rope or hook projectile guns, and in the back by Lasher painted salt and vinegar to increase the pain.


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